Asus P5Q Deluxe Mobo - Cooling questions?

Jun 16, 2008
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I am getting an Asus P5Q Deluxe Mobo, and an Q8400 or Q9450 (already posted questions on this), but i had heard reports of problems with fitting coolers on this Mobo?

I was planning on getting a Swiftech H2O-220 Compact water cooling kit, just wanted to make sure if anyone knows that the water block will fit correctly?

Any help much appreciated!
The P5Q appears to have a similar mosfet/northbridge heatsink cooler setup as the P5K - and as such its going to be tight for that Swiftech with the pump assembly being combined with the waterblock - it looks to me like the in/outlets MAY end up awfully close to the heatsinks, if not touching/obstructed by them.

Unfortunately without actually trying it I'm not able to confirm one way or another.