Asus P5K-E WiFi cutting out

Oct 9, 2007
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I've got the Asus P5K-E WiFi-AP Edition motherboard which has the Realtek RTL8187L wifi chip in it. Most of the time it works fine getting a very good signal but occasionally it won't be able to find any connections at all (even from the access point on the shelf above it). The only way i can get it to find any again is to disable and renable it, but sometimes it doesn't disable and i have to restart the pc.
I have had a look and i think i've got the latest drivers. Tried installing the new drivers from the realtek site but it wouldn't install properly.

Anyone know what might be going on.
I've had this with my wifi card (a realtek one) when I first moved to Vista (is that what you are using?) - at first I had to change the security settings to get it to work (I went from WPA to WEP & MAC address lock on the router). It then worked fine, but the latest driver update seemed to mean I could use WPA without a problem after all.
Yes i'm using vista, and WPA. I will have a look at the new drivers. When i tried to intall the ones i downloaded from the realtek site the other day vista didn't recognise them as being for the wifi card.

Also, this might be completely separate: My brother has a similar problem, but he is able to see the networks and scan for them, but it just disconnects from our network, and wont reconnect for a while (i dont think he needs to renable it). He's using XP and Ubuntu with a usb network card (the same thing was happening with a belkin pci too though). He is the farthest from the router but when he is connected it is at 75%.
I was able to install the latest driver (version 6.1293.518.2007 date: 18/05/2007) but it still cut out last night and i had to restart it. Is that the driver you are using?
I've got a different card so I can't compare it to that, but what I would suggest trying to switch from WPA and see if that improves things? (I would enable MAC address locks on the router to make up for this fact).