asus p5gd2 and wifi access point

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I have some trouble with an P5GD2 asus mainboard:
I'm trying to install wireless function, driver + ap-software, but I'm
not lucky... the most important problem is that ap-software doesn't
accept config change: i.e. if I install with WPA, it doesn't accept WEP
configuration; only disintalling and reinstalling resolves...

There are two other important problem:
- windows/driver sometimes, during finally installation (after reboot)
doesn't work and system hang-up
- always, ap-software doesn't work on route when ecryption is actived:
it autenticate always, even if WPA-PSK doesn't match.

I'm trying to connect laptop with pc at home, but this
mainboard/software seem to have too much problem with this
configuration. At work, my laptopo works well with a dlink hardware
access point.

There is a solution to made work AP software?

Gianluca Altieri
Firstly I would check XP SP2 is installed, check for updates for the Driver
and Software and decide on using either the Windows Wireless config program
or the vendors

If you use the vendor supplied config program and have Windows Wireless Zero
Configuration (WZC) running at the same time things like this happen - two
programs are trying to manage the link.
To stop WZC, go into Administrative Tools, click services, scroll down to
"Wireless Zero Config...", right click and click Stop. (the service will
stay stopped until you either reboot or restart it). Try making some config
changes and see if they stick. If you wish to disable the service, double
click on it and in the Startup type box, select Disabled. the click Apply
(change it back to Automatic to undo this).

The other culprit may be that when you Connect to the WAP, the wireless
device copies the config from the WAP - if the WAP is set to WEP, your
connection may revert to WEP. Basically the wireless device scans for,
detects, and shows the list of WAP's - one moment your wireless device may
be using channel 1 and WEP, the next channel 11 and WPA - because that is
what the Access Point is set to.

IIRC, WEP. WPA PSK, if the passphrase is wrong you will get garbage through.

Personally I prefer WZC. If you are running XP then I recommend SP2 as there
are several patches for SP1 for wireless that are necessary - you can always
apply them manually. Most users will probably prefer the vendor supplied
programs - they often give signal strength and other info, but rarely start
before Windows Logon.

- Tim