I have the P4G8X 3.06P4 400W power and using now the ASUS 9600XT
on AGP 8x and using it with a DVI Philips 170 Digital Monitor.
Problem :
1. - on 1.5 V AGP power on boot a pixel war and a scrolling screen (noting
is readable)
- after XP bootups the driver set's the power to 1.6V and all is OK
2. - on 1.6 V AGP power on boot somethime a pixel war is shown.
- after XP bootups the driver set's the power to 1.6V and all is OK
- ON boot to XP recovery console the screen scroll trough (not
syncronised view)
Question : should I go to AGP 1.7 V ?
while there is nothing written in any manual about allowed
AGP power... while I do not like to kill the video card...
I have the P4G8X 3.06P4 400W power and using now the ASUS 9600XT
on AGP 8x and using it with a DVI Philips 170 Digital Monitor.
Problem :
1. - on 1.5 V AGP power on boot a pixel war and a scrolling screen (noting
is readable)
- after XP bootups the driver set's the power to 1.6V and all is OK
2. - on 1.6 V AGP power on boot somethime a pixel war is shown.
- after XP bootups the driver set's the power to 1.6V and all is OK
- ON boot to XP recovery console the screen scroll trough (not
syncronised view)
Question : should I go to AGP 1.7 V ?
while there is nothing written in any manual about allowed
AGP power... while I do not like to kill the video card...