Thorsten said:
Hello Group,
contrary to advice a friend of mine bought the P3C2000. I've read a couple
of not so favorable reviews and am looking for advice to maybe still have a
good time with that board.
She's planning on running the thingy with a PII 400...
The only suggestion I seem to recall is that the problems were more
prevalent with low quality PSUs, so opt for a high quality unit.
Also, those 4 DIMM slots will only support 4 rows in total. And they're
configured non-intuitively IIRC, rows 0 and 1 are assigned to DIMM slots
1 and 3 while rows 2 and 3 are assigned to slots 2 and 4 so just to save
headaches only use DIMM slots 1 and 2 (otherwise you'll also need to
take into account whether you're using single or double sided DIMMs).
Also there were stories about boards not really working with more than
one DIMM so if possible just narrow it down to a single DIMM in slot 1,
this will also save you from checking relative DIMM capacities to ensure
highest goes to DIMM 1 (or was it 2).
Bottom line: high quality PSU and a single suitable DIMM in DIMM slot 1.
Good luck to your friend since these are plain suggestions, not proven