I have some Servers with a temperature problem. The temperature inside
the chassis is sometimes to high. So the server crashs.
The Server use a Windows 2000 on a ASUS P2B-D (12/08/00-i440BX-P2B-D)
mainboard. The hardware monitor chip is winbond 83781D and can be
readout with programs like Aida32, Sisoft SANDRA or AsusProbe.
Is it possible to send this information via SNMP to our Management
system (HP OpenView).
I've found some tutorials for Linux but none for Windwows.
Is it generally possible?
I am happy over suggestions.
Best regards,
I have some Servers with a temperature problem. The temperature inside
the chassis is sometimes to high. So the server crashs.
The Server use a Windows 2000 on a ASUS P2B-D (12/08/00-i440BX-P2B-D)
mainboard. The hardware monitor chip is winbond 83781D and can be
readout with programs like Aida32, Sisoft SANDRA or AsusProbe.
Is it possible to send this information via SNMP to our Management
system (HP OpenView).
I've found some tutorials for Linux but none for Windwows.
Is it generally possible?
I am happy over suggestions.
Best regards,