Hi everyones. I will change my mobo this week-end. I went to the
ASUS website under "pick my motherboard" section. They don't
seems to provide any integrated video chipset on their boards. I'm i right?
Montréal Québec
PS: 1000 excuses for errors or omissions,
i'm a "pure" french canadian!
Come to visit me at: http://kilowatt.camarades.com
(If replying also by e-mail, remove
"no spam" from the adress.)
ASUS website under "pick my motherboard" section. They don't
seems to provide any integrated video chipset on their boards. I'm i right?
Montréal Québec
PS: 1000 excuses for errors or omissions,
i'm a "pure" french canadian!

Come to visit me at: http://kilowatt.camarades.com
(If replying also by e-mail, remove
"no spam" from the adress.)