thanks for the advice you guys.
Enlight is a DISTANT second choice. I've had trouble with the power supplies
they use, but many folks swear by them. I figure it was just bad luck on my
part. I don't use them anymore. I build AMD systems, and Antec power
supplies are usually on AMD's lists of recommended units. I don't build
P4's, so if that's where you're headed mobo and CPU-wise, then you might
wish to look elsewhere for suggestions.
If you want to buy a bargain case, you may get lucky and get a working power
supply. Or you may not. Whether it is worth the headache or not is up to
you. To me, it's not. I typically find myself replacing cheapie power
supplies within 2-3 years due to failure, if they last that long.
While someone here has chosen to disagree with me, the three AMD-based
systems I have are all running solidly on Antec power supplies (in Antec
cases) and have been running reliably, some of them for years now, without a
problem. Others are newer, and haven't had any problems.
As I said previously, your mileage will vary. You could get a bad unit (or a
series of them), just the luck of the draw.