pw said:
Whether be Kingston 128 MB
as a whole see in Asus TX97-E ?
- photo
- specification of memory and Asus
I don't think that the 128MB PC133 DIMM shown in your picture will
work, or at least the mobo won't see more than 64MB of it. I believe
that Kingston PC133 DIMMs that are compatible with your mobo will have
a "Q" in their part numbers to indicate compatibility with older mobos
and with the PC100 standard. Even though your mobo is made for PC66
memory, PC100 should work fine. PC133 should also work, provided it's
also PC100 compatible (i.e., a 128MB module will have at least 8 big
chips on it, a 256MB module at least 16 big chips, half on each side),
but I've had some rated for CAS3 that needed the BIOS to be set
manually to CAS2.
Another possible problem is the cache limit of the mobo, and many older
ones wouldn't cache more than 64MB of main memory and would run like a
slug if 128MB or 256MB was installed. The only solution to that is to
use a CPU that has a built in L2 cache, such as the K6-III, K6-2+, or
K6-3+. But the first one can be such a power hog that it can burn out
the CPU voltage regulator (around those coils near the CPU), although I
think yours will be OK. I think that the K6-2+ and K6-3+ require 2.0V,
but the TX-97E can come close enough if you set the jumpers for 2.1V.