Kathy Wills
I have an ASUS CUC2 motherboard. The current bios is Award Medalion for
ASUS CUC2 ACPI Bios Revision 1024. This bios is getting old it is dated
2001/02/16. I would like to find an update for it. I have searched
everywhere but can't find a newer version.
Kathy Wills
+ Genealogy Web Site: http://www.kathywillsfamily.com +
+ +
+ Summit Group Web Site: http://www.tsginfo.com/index.php?rc=VW4374 +
ASUS CUC2 ACPI Bios Revision 1024. This bios is getting old it is dated
2001/02/16. I would like to find an update for it. I have searched
everywhere but can't find a newer version.
Kathy Wills
+ Genealogy Web Site: http://www.kathywillsfamily.com +
+ +
+ Summit Group Web Site: http://www.tsginfo.com/index.php?rc=VW4374 +