Kylesb said:
| My current asus P3V4X bios is 1.05.
| I once tried an sblive in this motherboard and it didn't work.
| Also the sound crackles.
| I wonder if bios 1.06_04 solves any of these problems ?
| Unfortunately the zip file contains no information about what is new
| fixed etc ?
| ( )
| <- that's the one...
| Is it safe/good ?
| Bye,
| Skybuck.
Hey, did you write those UDP test programs? I think I've used one at
some time.
Yes I did =D
Did you download them... or did you come across them on some other computer
Anyway, back to the SBLive, these boards have serious PNP problems at
times and will work properly only in particular slots (sometimes only
1 slot) in a mobo and often times only if they the sole possessor of
their own interrupt. I've fought with mine at least 3 times when
moving it into a new mobo. The sound quality of the board prompts me
to voluntarily endure suffering to get it working when installed in a
new mobo. Most of the problems with the SBLive appear to emanate from
its design flaws and inability to work in all PCI slots, imho.
Yes, a few years back I also tried a whole lot of things with the sb live.
The asus p3v4x would not even detect it at boot.
So right now I have an sb16 in the isa slot and that works but gives
crackling sound.
So I was kinda hoping that the bios update might fix it... which is kinda
funny since it's probably a hardware problem which can't be fixed with a
bios update... but still I was hoping for it =D
Though... I do plan on buying a new 120 GB harddisk today... and I am hoping
it will work with this motherboard/bios...
I think I might need the bios 1.06_04 beta... for it too work but I am not
I am not even sure if the harddisk has the same dimensions as the metal
holder where it needs to fit in...
But I'll find out thanks to documentation on the net

I don't even have to
open my PC... I just look at the dimensions in the PDF's etc =D
In the end ofcourse I do have to open the PC to fit it in... I hope I can
attach it... the last time I tried to build in a harddisk... for some reason
it was not possible... maybe the other harddisk was to long or to width...
the metal holder was to small for a second disk... that would be bad.
So I am hoping I can fit two harddisks into my big tower case... Otherwise
that would be funny... most of it is empty anyway.
If that's not possible I would have to replace the harddisk and first make a
backup of my current harddisk and then probably set it back to the larger
This is my current harddisk:
Little review:
Wow I see it only has a data buffer of 512 KB...
The new harddisk will have 8 MB <- wow big change hopefully it helps

I think it will
Wow it also has 5 disks I never knew that.
I also have a big IBM/Hitachi document about my drive

dtta_sp.pdf (downloaded from the net once

From my harddisk document

Height (mm) 25.4
Width (mm) 101.6
Length (mm) 146.0
Give/Take a Little
And this is the one I would like to buy...
( Not much choice... at local store

It has 3 platters... somehow I think that is safer... less heat I read once.
The famous deskstar 60 gxp which crashed had 5 i think ?
Or the 120 gxp had 5 and overheated heheh
And here are it's metrics for us europeans
Height: 26.1 mm
Length: 147 mm
Width: 101.6
So let's compare:
Height (mm) 25.4 vs 26.1 mm ok.
Width (mm) 101.6 vs 101.6 mm ok.
Length (mm) 146.0 vs 147 mm ok
Jippee seems like the same dimensions as my current drive...
So it should at least be possible to replace it as a minimum
I think the problem was with my old pentium 166... it had much wider
I wanted to place my "little" deskstar harddisk in this P166 once I think...
But I needed special "clips" to attach it... which I didn't have...
I think that was the problem back then
And vica versa it ofcourse didn't fit I guess
I haven't opened my PC yet... I am just hhhhhoping that there is free space
to place it
so I can have two drives =D
There should be I guess otherwise this case would be badddd... any big tower
should at least
be able to store two harddisks !
Hmmm the WD documentation is a bit disappointing though.
Not as much as the IBM deskstar documentation... that even had programming
Hmmm I can't even find a PDF on their website with all the information...
only this "crappy" html thingy...
Which does have printable version but it can't be saved to disk directly...
Now I have to fire up my frontpage to store it
Also html has a little bit less "trust" image... it's like oohh maybe the
made a little typo somewhere
Ok that's bullshit... but I rather have a nice PDF
Though IBM's document was a bit way to technical at some points
Well it will be interesting to see if the WD is delivered with some manual
and maybe some software
with the manual in a PDF... but I think so... otherwise I would be on the
Kinda weird.
Well at least now I stored the info to my disk
So IBM gets +1 points for documentation
Lol, If you read this far I must have bored you to death

Have a look at this thread if you want to get a good laugh concerning
the pain and suffering required in my last SBLive encounter, lol.
Yes this is about another motherboard tough