Asus A8V - AMD Athlon DVD conflict

Sep 19, 2005
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I'm assembling a new configuration with an Asus A8V deluxe motherboard, an AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 1 gb memory, primary HD Maxtor 160 gg, second HD IBM 120 gb, Samsung DVD writer and a Lite-on DVD rom.
Connecting the harddrives and start up the system, there is no problem. But once I connect a DVD device, the whole system hangs.
Have anybody an idea what can be wrong?
Does it happen to both DVD devices? Have you tried them 1 at a time? Have you tried running one of them off an IDE comming from the hard drive? I have an Asus A8V Delux, and have a Liteon CD RW and an NEC DVD RW connected and they both went in fine without any trouble.

Maybe you have to configure the jumpers at the back of the drive.
Start as suggested with one dvd drive (set as master) on the 2nd IDE channel, then if that works ok, add the 2nd (set as slave) try not to mix hard drives and optical drives on the same cable if you can.

I have found sometimes (on a few builds) I have to set both optical drives on CS (cable select) and use a 80 pin ribbon cable, and also double check your BIOS settings, and make sure drive detection is set to AUTO

try those first...