I am buying an
ASUS A7V8X-MX SE motherboard
with an
AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Barton core, 333 FSB, 512K cache CPU and adding a
PC2100 256mb chip for RAM since I am on a budget,

Also adding a
Samsung 52x32x52 CDRW
running windows xp.
I do have an ASUS A7N266-VM computer system I built 2 years ago and love it.
Has the Athlon XP 2400+ cpu.
In summary, I think the Barton core is the best buy for the A7V8X
motherboard since it has the 512K backside cache. The larger the cache the
better for playing 3D games and 3D rendering.
Question ... about the A7N266-VM ... Can I install a Barton cpu in this
board? My front side bus is only 266mhz.
PS: You can contact me here ...
http://kz900.com/live.html if you want to
chat via AIM or Yahoo.