***My system is an Asus A7V333 mobo (4x AGP PRO 1.5volt), Athlon 2200 and is
in need of a new
video card.***
I had a Radeon 8500 pro, which for my gaming and spreadsheet needs was fine.
I do have a heat issue with my case and so I added a large heatsink with
fan to the video card, to fix the heat issue.
Fix it, it did. The heat problem went away with the very heavy Zalman
ZM80D-HP and ZM-OP1 (425gram/14.99oz )
Over time, gravity would pull the video card a seemingly unoticeable amount
out of the socket and the PC wouldn't boot.
I'd reseat the card and all would be fine for a few more weeks. Then I
started building my own video card colloseum with support struts to prop up
the card. The card started to bend over time and I think it's not a happy
camper anymore.
The card flexes and although it has worked when I lie the PC tower down and
the card is upright, that card and slot aren't good friends anymore.
I'm going to try another card but I'm assuming the slot is okay for now.
***I'm planning on buying a new video card.*** Have 2 models in mind as they
seem compatible with the mobo.
My board is AGP pro, 1.5volt. My case is hot as I mentioned.
I have so far researched 2 video card options and 2 third party cooling
solutions. I have a Topower 550watt PSU.
__2 video card solutions so far___
I thought about a cheap ***Radeon 9550*** (had Radeon 8500)
I thought about a Geforce ***6600GT*** (yes lot more power)
I'm concerned about the heat issue of my PC, (but not enough to buy a new
case at present) and I've been informed that the AGP pro slot on my mobo
isn't the best for excessive weight, (as in heavy heatsinks).
__2 cooling solutions so far___
I'd really like an Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 6 Rev 2. It attaches to the
AGP video card and vents heat out the next slot. It weighs 243grams and I
guess I'd detach the original heatsink and fan, so less than 243 grams. The
weight issue concerns me after my last heatsink effort.
I've considered a slot cooler that unfortunately uses 2 valuable slots.
(Antec Vcool Expansion slot VGA cooler)
It seems to cool fairly well but I'm not sure if it'll even fit next to a
card like the Geforece 6600GT or Radeon 9550.
9550 video or 6600GT or other?
Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 6 or Antec Vcool or other?
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you can help.
***My system is an Asus A7V333 mobo (4x AGP PRO 1.5volt), Athlon 2200 and is
in need of a new
video card.***
I had a Radeon 8500 pro, which for my gaming and spreadsheet needs was fine.
I do have a heat issue with my case and so I added a large heatsink with
fan to the video card, to fix the heat issue.
Fix it, it did. The heat problem went away with the very heavy Zalman
ZM80D-HP and ZM-OP1 (425gram/14.99oz )
Over time, gravity would pull the video card a seemingly unoticeable amount
out of the socket and the PC wouldn't boot.
I'd reseat the card and all would be fine for a few more weeks. Then I
started building my own video card colloseum with support struts to prop up
the card. The card started to bend over time and I think it's not a happy
camper anymore.
The card flexes and although it has worked when I lie the PC tower down and
the card is upright, that card and slot aren't good friends anymore.
I'm going to try another card but I'm assuming the slot is okay for now.
***I'm planning on buying a new video card.*** Have 2 models in mind as they
seem compatible with the mobo.
My board is AGP pro, 1.5volt. My case is hot as I mentioned.
I have so far researched 2 video card options and 2 third party cooling
solutions. I have a Topower 550watt PSU.
__2 video card solutions so far___
I thought about a cheap ***Radeon 9550*** (had Radeon 8500)
I thought about a Geforce ***6600GT*** (yes lot more power)
I'm concerned about the heat issue of my PC, (but not enough to buy a new
case at present) and I've been informed that the AGP pro slot on my mobo
isn't the best for excessive weight, (as in heavy heatsinks).
__2 cooling solutions so far___
I'd really like an Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 6 Rev 2. It attaches to the
AGP video card and vents heat out the next slot. It weighs 243grams and I
guess I'd detach the original heatsink and fan, so less than 243 grams. The
weight issue concerns me after my last heatsink effort.
I've considered a slot cooler that unfortunately uses 2 valuable slots.
(Antec Vcool Expansion slot VGA cooler)
It seems to cool fairly well but I'm not sure if it'll even fit next to a
card like the Geforece 6600GT or Radeon 9550.
9550 video or 6600GT or other?
Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 6 or Antec Vcool or other?
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you can help.