"Joust" said:
normally that would work i think.
but the problem i am seeing with this board is that after it shuts down it
will not start back up.
if i turn off the power supply i.e remove all power from teh board. then and
only then will the momentary short thing work.
for fun i left teh machine powered up for a while and it reboots every 30
min or so. I think there is something major wrong with the Hardware
Monitoring ASUS AS99127 chip.
Are you sure this isn't a power supply problem ? If you follow this group
for a while, you'll notice people replacing power supplies a lot,
implying you should look there first for a problem. Try a PS swap and
see if things don't improve...
For the motherboard to turn on the power supply, it must have a good
source of five volts via the +5VSB supply. This is the supply that
lights the green LED which is present on most recent Asus motherboards.
Sometimes power supply problems can be traced to a failure of this standby
supply, which can make it hard or impossible to turn on the supply. This
could be caused by an overload on the circuit (say, too much standby load
on +5VSB) or more likely, a failure of the PS circuit that makes this