ASUS A7A266 and evesham

Mar 2, 2007
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Several years back I got a new PC from evesham and regretted it from the day it arrived! I detail the specs below. I already had a 3Dfx TVFM TV capture card that I told evesham I wanted to install in the new PC.
When I got the PC it was not the same spec as what was ordered so I requested that they modify it to meet the ordered spec, they ignored me!
The computer was unstable and would often hang completely with no response to mouse or keyboard or to the DVD and CD eject buttons. Sometimes the System would reboot itself. The ASUS Probe program reported a very erratic output from the power supply and indicated the cpu temp to instantly spike up to over 100 C and back to 70 ish. I complained to eveshame and an engineer was sent out a few days later.
In the mean time I decided to install the TV card. After installation of the hardware then drivers following the direcions supplied with the card ( previously installed and workin in my old PC ) I found that evey time I executed the TV program the computer rebooted. I also found problems that I think are associated with the IDE BUS Master.
The eveshame engineer told me that the MOBO had no known issues but regardless of what evesham sales told me I had voided the terms of my warrantee by installing the card. The engineer told me I was not permited to install any hardware or software myself including ASUS software wich he claimed was faulty nor was I permitted to install any MS SW such as Office or Works? On the basis of the new information from the engineer I rejected the PC on the grounds that it was not fit for the purpose I stated before it's purchase.
evesham rejected my rejection and I ended up suing them.
evesham agreed to an independent expert report before the court case. The report only dealt with the goods supplied by evesham and stated a fault with the windows ME OS advertised and supplied as part and parcel of the PC.
The defence claimed that windows is free and therefore they had not charged for the faulty recovery CD and had no responcability. The Judge seemed to accept that Microsoft give their software away. The Judge ordered a new report on the PC to be commisioned and presented to the court. On the day of the testing of the PC for the new report by Brightwater Systems. Brightwater totally disregarded the Judges directions and allowed the evesham engineer to replace the hard disk for one preloaded with a different OS and application SW.
Bightwater also refused to test to see if the PC could support the TV card as directed by the Judge because they said "a computer is not and can not be considered to be a TV". The Judge accepted this despite the fact that evesham advertised PCTV systems at that time. To accept the defence argument was also contra to the Wireless Telegraphy Act that requires a TV licence for a PC capable of receiving live TV pictures.
I have scince tried to install three other kinds of TV card into this PC and none of them work ( they all work in other computes with non ASUS MOBOs )

Case; evesham branded full tower
PSU; 300w unknown manufacturer
MEM; 2x256Mb PC2100 DDR (Samsung)
CPU; Original AMD Athlon 1333 changed by evesham to athlon 1400 for no reason?
GPU; winfast Gforce3
Sound; Creative sound blaster live platinum
HDD; 60Gb Maxtor ATA100
DVD ROM; Samsung 16x
CD; TEAC CD-RW 12x write
Modem; 56k unkown Mfr (modem has never worked)

Has anyone else had a similar or related problem?
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