John Carter
Windows XP Pro SP2
I use CARDFILE.EXE from earlier versions of windows, and it
woeked fine until Windows Cardspace was installed on my computer (I
haven't figured that out yet). It took over the ".CRD" file type
association. Nothing I could do could get the ".CRD" associated back
with CARDFILE, until I d/l a program (OPENWITH ADD) that enabled me to
set the association back to CARDFILE. I did so, but I have lost the
ability to double-click on the ".CR%D" file and have CARDFILE open up
the file for me to use. This is the registry entry made by the OPEN
WITH ADD program: I did an export from regedit.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\CARDFILE.EXE\" \"%1\""
I have compared this export with any number of others to make sure the
syntax is correct, and it matches to the character (except for the
actual program name). Cardfile is a Windows app - it does not run in
Note: When I double-click on my ROLODEX.CRD file name or desktop icon,
the CARDFILE program does come up, bu with a blank list of cards with
"untitled" in the title bar. I can click FILE/OPEN and navigate to
ROLODEX.CRD and the it opens it no problem. I just can't get it to
open the file in CARDFILE from a double-click. Also, the icon for the
ROLODEX.CRD file is in fact the icon for CARDFILE.EXE, so I know the
association is made, and can verify it in the registry.
What in God's good grace am I missing here?
I use CARDFILE.EXE from earlier versions of windows, and it
woeked fine until Windows Cardspace was installed on my computer (I
haven't figured that out yet). It took over the ".CRD" file type
association. Nothing I could do could get the ".CRD" associated back
with CARDFILE, until I d/l a program (OPENWITH ADD) that enabled me to
set the association back to CARDFILE. I did so, but I have lost the
ability to double-click on the ".CR%D" file and have CARDFILE open up
the file for me to use. This is the registry entry made by the OPEN
WITH ADD program: I did an export from regedit.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\CARDFILE.EXE\" \"%1\""
I have compared this export with any number of others to make sure the
syntax is correct, and it matches to the character (except for the
actual program name). Cardfile is a Windows app - it does not run in
Note: When I double-click on my ROLODEX.CRD file name or desktop icon,
the CARDFILE program does come up, bu with a blank list of cards with
"untitled" in the title bar. I can click FILE/OPEN and navigate to
ROLODEX.CRD and the it opens it no problem. I just can't get it to
open the file in CARDFILE from a double-click. Also, the icon for the
ROLODEX.CRD file is in fact the icon for CARDFILE.EXE, so I know the
association is made, and can verify it in the registry.
What in God's good grace am I missing here?