Sort of a strange question, but I'm trying to work something out.
I'm looking to take a file (delivered to me through IE) and when I
click OPEN to have to file attribute automatically call a URL. IN this
case I am trying to take a .DWG file and automatically call the AutoVue
client-server package which is intiated by calling a URL on the AutoVue
Sort of a strange question, and I'm sorry if this is the wrong
location. Thanks in advance.
I'm looking to take a file (delivered to me through IE) and when I
click OPEN to have to file attribute automatically call a URL. IN this
case I am trying to take a .DWG file and automatically call the AutoVue
client-server package which is intiated by calling a URL on the AutoVue
Sort of a strange question, and I'm sorry if this is the wrong
location. Thanks in advance.