1. Should I use the autoexec.bat for this purpose, or I may create a
separate bat file for it?
2. In the latter case, where this file should be stored and what
hould be its name?
3. If I have multiple booting partitions, do I need to copy this
file into each prtition?
4. If it is a separate file, does it need to have anything else
apart from the lines you indicated?
5. Could you explain the syntax
net use y: /del
net use g: \\server\share /persistent:no
The line net use y: /del seem to be obvious - it releses letter G
In the secondline
- what exactly should I use in place of \\server\share ?
(everybody here seem to use this pattern but I cannot get anyone to
tell me what exactly it means)
- what is the purpose of the "persistent" parameter?
6. How does the bat file interracts with mapping drives using
MyComputer-MapDrives? Which one takes precedence?
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
message <aa> wrote in message No, my network is made of w2kPro and there is no server
Why should I temper with the bat files? What advantages does it
offer over mapping drives using MyComputer-MapDrives?
Consistency - you'll know that everyone has the same drive
mappings, and if they create others after they're logging in, or
deleting some, you'll know that when they log in again the correct
drives will map.
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
in message Are you using a domain? If not, you can't really use a login
can still do this - just put a batch file on everyone's computer
that has the mappings you want, and put it in their startup
aa wrote:
I've n ever heard of login scripts - where can I read about
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
[email protected]>
wrote in message Yes, a drive letter may have been manually mapped, or someone
may have assigned it to a local device. Try to keep the local
device mappings consistent across computers, as you can't
overwrite them in your login script (nor should you want to).
I usually do
net use g: /del
net use s: /del
net use y: /del
net use g: \\server\share /persistent:no
net use s: \\server\share /persistent:no
net use y: \\server\share /persistent:no
------------------------- get rid of any locally mapped network drives.
aa wrote:
So when I gettong a message "cannot access a drive. The letter
is in use, I should look to the cocal computer only to see if
I have duplicate latters? Someone here said that a letter can
be taken by some internal process - is this a case?