The initial variable "strUser" as a hidden form field named strUser,
(once created on form1.asp per pc post),
can be passed from form to form on each subsequent form just using
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=strUser VALUE="<%=Request.Form("strUser%"%>">
You can use the concatenated string created by Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & Now() for strUser,
Or you can use the ASP Session ID as an identifier
- which will be unique to each user for that session & not require the forms to be chained
- See
In form1 before the form set
<% Session("UID")=Session.SessionID %>
Then in any of the forms use
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=strUser VALUE="<%=Session("UID")%>">
| There are several ways to achieve what you want. But if I understand you
| correctly, you say you have:
| * 7 pages
| * each page has one form
| * each form submits to a different database file (total of 7)
| * you want to store a "user key" for each form to be able to link the
| data from all forms to the same user.
| If I were you I would re-think the survey design and the database
| design. Is a reason why you use 7 db files?
| Consider these:
| Use only one DB file.
| Use only one DB table for the survey if you don't have a reason to keep
| the form results in separate tables. This way you have a;l the survey
| answers for each user in a single record in one table--not spread over 7
| tables. If you need them in separate tables you will need to have an
| extra relational key in each tale (say struser) to store the user unique
| ID and be able to do join queries to view a complete survey per user.
| Do you need to separate the form in 7 separate pages? If not, you
| eliminate the complexities of having to track sate between pages.
| For what you are trying to do, you need flexibility the flexibility of
| hand coding and script.
| For passing information between forms you can do it with hidden from
| fields, sessions or cookies. The problem with sessions is that if the
| user takes too long (about 20 min.) to submit the form the session will
| expire and you lose the unique key
| Here's how to do it with ASP and hidden form field.
| Form1.asp has the first form, creates the unique ID and submits to
| Form2.asp. You decide what to store, for example if you can use
| IPadres+date+time
| <%
| strUser= Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & Now()
| %>
| <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=strUser VALUE="<%=strUser%>">
| Form2.asp submits the results of form1, including strUser,
| to the DB, and presents Form2.
| Form3.asp submits form2 and presents Form3. And so on.
| ..PC
| M Bennett wrote:
| > Hi,
| > I am creating a survey in FP 2003 and have 7 pages that each store to
| > separate database files in Access. I need to be able to assign some sort of
| > identifier (a Session ID, perhaps?) so that I will be able to track the same
| > user as they go through all 7 pages of my survey and link their results from
| > each page (I can't collect their name or any otherwise identifying
| > information). Unfortunately, I have been unable to figure out how to create
| > such a variable. When I created the database, FP inserted a variable called
| > "UserName", but this always comes up as blank in Access.
| >
| > Could anyone please provide a suggestion for how to assign a SessionID
| > number to each participant in the survey that would track all 7 pages?
| >
| > Thanks SO MUCH in advance for your help!!!
| >
| > Best wishes,
| > M. Bennett