I set everything up in the Asset Template database and at first loved it.
However, I noticed that there was a Show Retired check box and started trying
to figure out how to register an asset as retired. I could find no tutorial
or topic in Help. Since playing around with it I now get a Enter Retired Date
everytime I open the file. I finally put in an arbitrary number and when I
uncheck the Show Retired box in the Asset List Form view all my assets
disappear as though I've retired everything. However, when i go to Assets
Retired view under Queries it only show one item. How do I undo what I've
done and where is a good how to on retiring an asset in this tmeplate.
However, I noticed that there was a Show Retired check box and started trying
to figure out how to register an asset as retired. I could find no tutorial
or topic in Help. Since playing around with it I now get a Enter Retired Date
everytime I open the file. I finally put in an arbitrary number and when I
uncheck the Show Retired box in the Asset List Form view all my assets
disappear as though I've retired everything. However, when i go to Assets
Retired view under Queries it only show one item. How do I undo what I've
done and where is a good how to on retiring an asset in this tmeplate.