I've integrated Albert D. Kallal's Mail Merge into my Access project, I been
able to get the merged doc saved to the directory it needs to be save in but
I can’t get it named. I have a field on all my merge forms in Assess called
[SetName] this field is also sent with the merge but is not merged to the
document. I only use the Function RidesMergeWord to merge my documents. Can
I specify in this function to save the merged document with the value in the
[SetName] field from the form or from the merged data (Merge.888) and if so
what is the proper language. I know where to put it I just don’t know what to
put there.
able to get the merged doc saved to the directory it needs to be save in but
I can’t get it named. I have a field on all my merge forms in Assess called
[SetName] this field is also sent with the merge but is not merged to the
document. I only use the Function RidesMergeWord to merge my documents. Can
I specify in this function to save the merged document with the value in the
[SetName] field from the form or from the merged data (Merge.888) and if so
what is the proper language. I know where to put it I just don’t know what to
put there.