Craig Klementowski
Pardon the cross post, but I'm not sure where exactly to post this question.
We have MFC application using many MFC extention DLL's. We started using a
new MFC extention DLL that is mixed mode so we could use some .Net
components we have built.
We are getting an assertion in ~CCmdTarget when exiting our app when after
making a call to Windows Forms MessageBox. On line 48, m_dwRef is 2 for some
Offending line - System::Windows::Forms::MessageBox::Show("Test");
Is there some function I need to call to release something that I am
missing? Any ideas?
Craig Klementowski
if (m_xDispatch.m_vtbl != 0)
#ifdef _AFXDLL
m_pModuleState = NULL;
Call Stack:
mfc71d.dll!COleMessageFilter::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0xf C++
mfc71d.dll!AfxOleTerm(int bJustRevoke=0) Line 114 + 0x22 C++
mfc71d.dll!AfxOleTermOrFreeLib(int bTerm=1, int bJustRevoke=0) Line 139
mfc71d.dll!AfxWinTerm() Line 48 C++
mfc71d.dll!AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ *
hPrevInstance=0x00000000, char * lpCmdLine=0x0024237f, int nCmdShow=5) Line
64 C++
MyApp.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ *
hPrevInstance=0x00000000, char * lpCmdLine=0x0024237f, int nCmdShow=5) Line
25 C++
MyApp.exe!WinMainCRTStartup() Line 390 + 0x39 C
We have MFC application using many MFC extention DLL's. We started using a
new MFC extention DLL that is mixed mode so we could use some .Net
components we have built.
We are getting an assertion in ~CCmdTarget when exiting our app when after
making a call to Windows Forms MessageBox. On line 48, m_dwRef is 2 for some
Offending line - System::Windows::Forms::MessageBox::Show("Test");
Is there some function I need to call to release something that I am
missing? Any ideas?
Craig Klementowski
if (m_xDispatch.m_vtbl != 0)
#ifdef _AFXDLL
m_pModuleState = NULL;
Call Stack:
mfc71d.dll!COleMessageFilter::~COleMessageFilter() Line 59 + 0xf C++mfc71d.dll!CCmdTarget::~CCmdTarget() Line 48 + 0x19 C++
mfc71d.dll!COleMessageFilter::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0xf C++
mfc71d.dll!AfxOleTerm(int bJustRevoke=0) Line 114 + 0x22 C++
mfc71d.dll!AfxOleTermOrFreeLib(int bTerm=1, int bJustRevoke=0) Line 139
mfc71d.dll!AfxWinTerm() Line 48 C++
mfc71d.dll!AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ *
hPrevInstance=0x00000000, char * lpCmdLine=0x0024237f, int nCmdShow=5) Line
64 C++
MyApp.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ *
hPrevInstance=0x00000000, char * lpCmdLine=0x0024237f, int nCmdShow=5) Line
25 C++
MyApp.exe!WinMainCRTStartup() Line 390 + 0x39 C