I have a further question, why do you add ref before class?
There are two basic kinds of classes (or structs, since structs are now
classes that are internally default public): reference classes and value
Reference classes must be created ala gcnew and saved in pointers. Value
classes, on the other hand, can be created as 'concrete' instances, much
like 'long' or 'int'. That is, one can just create an 'int' without a
int i ;
So, if I define a class as a reference class I put the keyword 'ref' in
front of it. If it is a value class I put the keyword 'value' in front
it. Here is some sample code to make it clearer:
ref class refClass
// code
} ;
value class valClass
} ;
refClass^ refClassPTR = gcnew refClass( ) ;
valClass valClassINSTANCE ;
The major advantage to a reference class is it can be passed into a
via just its pointer. It also frees up its own memory once nobody is
referencing it (garbage collection, hence the 'gc' in 'gcnew')..
Value class instances can be passed by pointer, but they can also be
'by value'. That is, the method then is working with a new copy of the
instance, so the orginal stays unchanged. However, to do this, all of
members of the class are also passed and copied, which uses up more
resources (memory and time) than just passing by reference.
In contrat, any method which is passed a parameter via a pointer can
that parameter (the external value as well as the value internal to the
If you are use to old-school structs, a valClass is more like one of
old struct's. That's because it can be thought as a 'concrete' entitity
holding the values of its components, in contrast to a pointer to memory
containing this data. A pointer can change what it is pointing to, a
retains its values unless manually changed directly.
Value classes have some major restrictions about what methods it can
But their main usefulness comes in arrays. If you create an array of
reference class instances the array can only contain pointers to the
pointers of the instances, so each instance must be created
(ala 'gcnew'). An array of value class instances need only have code
allocates memory for the array pointers itself, which in turn
allocates the memory for its elements.
I typically use 'ref' classes more since they are more flexible, both in
terms of features and moveability (passing a pointer is typically faster
than passing all the data the pointer is pointing to). And now that we
great 'garbage collection', it is nice that an instance of a reference
will free up its own memory when no longer needed (i.e., if no longer
pointed to then no longer referenced and thus no longer needed). In
contrast, a value class instance often requires intentional deletion in
order to free up its resources (unless only used as a reference, in
case a reference class might have been a better choice for its
Hope that helps more than confuses!
Thanks Peter,
The class is very useful. I have a further question, why do you add
before class?
I created and use this class, you might find it useful. It contains
useful methods, pretty easy to figure out from their names. Note that
'assert' to answer your question:
#include 'assert.h'
#define MY_DEBUG (true)
ref class My_Debug
static void Assert( bool condition )
Assert( condition, "<no text>" ) ;
static void Show( String^ comment )
Console::WriteLine( comment ) ;
static void Assert( bool condition, String^ info )
if ( condition ) { return ; }
Console::WriteLine() ;
Console::WriteLine( info ) ;
Console::WriteLine() ;
assert(!MY_DEBUG) ; // when debug is on then assert false
static void Deny( bool condition )
Assert( !condition ) ;
static void Deny( bool condition, String^ info )
Assert( !condition, info ) ;
static void Abort( String^ info )
Assert( false, info ) ;
static void Abort()
Abort( "*abort*" ) ;
} ;
// [==Peter==]
Hello everyone,
I saw a couple of form of assert in code on Windows,
2. assert;
4. _assert.
Which one is the most correct to use? I saw people always define
that, and I want to find the root one which is defined by Windows.
I also saw people manually define assert to NULL if macro DEBUG or
not defined, is that necessary?
I feel assert is in a mess and I want to find a clear and unified
this item.
thanks in advance,