Assembly running under compact or full?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Santiago
  • Start date Start date


This is such a basic question yet I'm having a hard time finding the answer.

I have an assembly that can run both under the .NET Compact framework as
well as the full framework. I need to know within that assembly which one
I'm running under so that the assembly can adjust it's behaviour
accordingly. I thought this would be under System.Environment but no luck.
Either a compile time define or a runtime property would work great.

I think you didn't search hard enough!

what about:
System.Environment.OSVersion ?

for example it's likely on the compat framework
System.Environment.OSVersion.PlatformID == PlatformID.WinCE
Thanks Lloyd.
As I guessed, it was right under my nose :)

Will that return WinCE even under the emulator?