Assembly.LoadFrom how it is understanding the version of target DLL at Web Server

  • Thread starter Thread starter posthumecaver
  • Start date Start date


Well you can get the picture from the above question I guess.

How Assembly.LoadFrom understand the version of the Assembly at the
webserver and decide to download to DownloadCache.

I try to do samething with FileVersionInfo but of course it is not doing it.
I looked a method in Assembly class probing version info with an URI but it
doesn't exist also.

Anybody has an idea.


There are several issues when using LoadFrom on a file located on a
webserver. Even though the assembly may be signed with a key, the key and
the version are completely ignored when the runtime initially requests the
assembly. The reason is that the runtime forms an http request for the
assembly that uses if-modified-since in the header. This article explains
what is happening...

The result is that the time-date stamp on the file at the server is used to
determine if a newer version of the assembly should be downloaded to the
client machine. The .net versioning is used only after the file has been

If you want to determine the .net versioninfo of a file on a remote server
you will have to roll your own mechanism for this. I wrote a little web
service for our app that does exactly this.