ASPX pages give Server not found or DNS Error


Ken Cooper

I have just encountered a problem that was driving me nuts. Every aspx page
in my web application gave the error "Cannot find server or DNS Error". I
was multi-tasking at the time and was developing and downloading from the
internet. I ran a virus scan and found a trojan on my system which I
deleted, but what damage had it already done?

I found the following reports of this problem without solutions

I was in deep despair contemplating a complete system rebuild as no matter
how I referenced localhost ( machine name etc) I still got the
message "Cannot find server". I had recently managed to screw up my local
networking and a rebuild was necessary then to recover my system. Had I done
the same again?

Thank goodness I paused, took a deep breath and tried to debug my
application. All my aspx pages inherit from my own base class and I had
introduced an infinite loop into the base class. The error message was
completely misleading and had nothing to do with the trojan - it was all my
own doing. If I had completely rebuilt my system I would have come back to
exactly the same problem hours later.

There's a familiar moral to this story - don't beleive all error messages
and always consider the possibility that it IS your fault!

Eric Lawrence [MSFT]

IE Error messages are notoriously hard to debug through, as they're targeted
for end-users, not developers. One thing to check is to ensure that you've
disabled the "Friendly Errors" function in IE's Tools | Internet Options |
Advanced tab. It wouldn't have helped you in this case, but there is a
class of errors that are hidden when "Friendly" errors are on.


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

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