ASPX Page not Rendering on IIS6



Hi All, I recently installed Win2k3 web edition of OS on a m/c. I moved some
of my existing ASPX on it with xcopy. To my surprise none of the ASPX Apps
are able to render. I am getting the Generic IE Error Page where it asks you
to connect to Internet Via the Tools/Connection/LAN etc...
I tried running the app with localhost or 127.0.01 too,,,,but no luck.
I am totally surprised..
Where should I start to fix this error. There is nothing wrong in the ASPX
App...besides .net framework is already present on the box...I am
When I refresh the page status changes to download from .... and it never
completes. I checked the IIS Log there is nothing in it..

BTW: ASP Seems to work fine there is a iisadmin directory with .asp files in
it...they seem to work

Kevin Spencer

I'll probably hate myself for answering this, but...

Have you turned ASP.Net support ON in IIS 6? It is turned off by default.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
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Sometimes the elephant eats you.

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