aspx page hangs aftter loading



Hi mgaffney and the rest of you. I have a similar problem with latest version
of IE6. It crashes when loading aspx pages containing a .NET 2.0 DataGrid in
update mode. Must be an IE6 bug since other browsers (IE7, Firefox, Netscape)
work fine. Does anyone know what to do about this? Telling my site visitors
to install Firefox won't do.

Hans Le Roy

mgaffney said:
I'm trying to access a secure website that uses aspx. I open the page in my
browser but after opening the page if I try to navigate away, click on a link
or even use the back arrow IE will hang. Is there something that I need to
load or configure?


There is not much you can do. Those login things are serverside controls
supposed to render the needed HTML code.

Does it help to update IE through ?

Kind regards



I did check my computer at ? and it is
curently up to date. As " bkarrlander" stated it workes with Netscape 7.2
but I did find that when I resntly updated to the new netscape 8.0 I had the
same problem and had to do an uninstall to get back to 7.2. I would rather
just use IE as Netscape & fire fox dosnt work with a Cisco desighned VPN site
that I use.

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