Aspnet Treeview limit source page level



I have below sitemap as source for treeview that sits on master pages..
Is there a way to limit source for treeview to page level..
When i cruise the pages i would like to see only related nodes for that
page versus see all nodes in every page
Example would be..
A.aspx would show only
instead of showing all tree.....?

<siteMapNode url="Default.aspx" title="Home" description="Home">
<siteMapNode url="A.aspx" title="A" description="A Desc" />
<siteMapNode url="a.aspx" title="a" description="a Desc" />
<siteMapNode url="b.aspx" title="a" description="a Desc" />

<siteMapNode url="B.aspx" title="B" description="B Desc " />
<siteMapNode url="C.aspx" title="C" description="C Desc" />


Teemu Keiski


you can do something like that if you have a SiteMapDataSource control in
use. Set StartFromCurrentNode="True" when it would switch the display to
always start from the Page you are navigating on. Then set
StartingNodeOffSet="n" where n is the number levels to display up (up or
down based on do you give negative or positive value)

Though it seems that your nodes are on the same level-

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