The main difference may be that the Cold Fusion developer still has a
career ahead!
Perhaps. Locally, the demand for CF programmers has dropped way off,
ASP and .NET coders are in much higher demand. The larger shops that
had been pure CF have split or dropped CF entirely in the last two
years. Your market may naturally vary.
Of course, hitching your career to any single technology is pretty
much a foolish thing to do...
For a new project or for someone new to web programming, I would suggest
any web language _other_ than ASP (which I like, but because Microsoft
is deprecating ASP and promoting ASP.NET).
Except of course that neither ASP or ASP.NET is a langauge. You
program in VBScript, JScript or in the case of .NET, C##. All
standard language technologies, and except for Jscript they have been
around in one form or another for years.
My choices, in order, would be Perl, Java, PHP, then _maybe_ CF. Perl's
CPAN libraries are incredible, already debugged
and documented, free and you can see the source code.
Except if you're in a Microsoft shop, Java and PHP are less fully
supported, and Perl can be problematic if you attempt to use some