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Nathan Sokalski

I just upgraded from Visual Studio .NET 2003 to Visual Studio .NET 2005.
There are several questions I have about the code differences between them
(I use VB.NET for as my language of choice):

1. 2003 used "Public Class classname" and 2005 uses "Partial Class
classname". What, if any, difference is there between these?

2. The following things are included in the #Region " Web Form Designer
Generated Code " part of 2003's code, and are not included automatically in

<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub
End Sub

Control declarations, such as:
Protected WithEvents lblWebsite As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label

Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
End Sub

Do I need to include any of these manually or anything else that serves
their purpose?

3. In 2003 the Page Events use clauses such as Handles MyBase.Load while
2005 uses Handles Me.Load. I am assuming that these will work the same?

I am sure that I will run into the other differences between the two, but
these are some of the important ones for me right now. Thanks.
the main difference from 2003 to 2005, is how a page is compiled.

in 2003 when compiled an aspx, it had the page inherit from the code
behind file, which VS had compiled into a separate dll. this required the
funky double declare of controls, and linking up the events. note there are
two compiles, the codebehind into a dll by vs, and each aspx page as a
separate dll by the compiler.

in 2005 there is a new feature called partial classes. this allows a class
to be broken into two files and compiled together. VS no longer compiles the
code behind files into their own dll. the compiler does all the
work, so the codebehind is in the same dll as the aspx page. because the
codebehind and the aspx page code is merged thru the magic of partial
classes, then a control is defined in aspx, the codebehind knows about it.

-- bruce (
1) A partial class just means that the class is split across one or more
files. "Partial" has no effect on whether a class is public or private.

2) No

3) Yes