Trevor Oakley
I am using ASP.NET Kick Start (SAMS) to learn Visual C# and ASP.NET.
I find that some of the examples are slow to run (eg using ListBox
This is making me question the performance of the generated code, and
if more server resources are needed.
I use shared server space.
I have a 2M bit connection to the Internet, and some simple examples
using only three list items take 1-2 seconds to run.
I have been looking for a reason why c# is not more widely used. Is it
a performance question? Would my code run better on a dedicated server
(this costs the same since I have several sites on shared space)?
I find that some of the examples are slow to run (eg using ListBox
This is making me question the performance of the generated code, and
if more server resources are needed.
I use shared server space.
I have a 2M bit connection to the Internet, and some simple examples
using only three list items take 1-2 seconds to run.
I have been looking for a reason why c# is not more widely used. Is it
a performance question? Would my code run better on a dedicated server
(this costs the same since I have several sites on shared space)?