ASP.NET Text appears small

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Hello All, out of the blue about two days ago, any time I browse to an
ASP.NET page all text that is not formatted appears so tiny that it is barely
readable. I am using firefox to read these forums now. The thing is it only
does it on aspx extensions and only in IE. I am running Windows XP SP2, IE6
SP1 with the most up to date October Security patches. I run Adaware daily
and virus scans weekly so I am not quite sure what has happened but even more
so I am puzzled by how to fix it. Any help is much appreciated.
I am surprised that you think that it is only occuring on aspx pages. There
must be something about the HTML code or Styling of these pages that is
causing the problem.

First off you should check your IE settings. Tools>Internet Options>General
Tab> Fonts - check that you are not using a weird font like 'small fonts'

Tools>Internet Options>General Tab>Accessibility - check that you are not
using a User Stylesheet that is using a small font size

View>Text Size - check that you have an appropiate text size selected (
ctrl+mouse wheel will scroll the text size for you)

If you are the developer of the aspx pages, check that you have not
sepecified a font name or a font size. Let the user side browser determine

In the VS IDE you can select text size from a context menu in the browser
I am an ASP.NET developer. I noticed it on the ASP.NET site and on the
microsoft site. It happened when I was submitting a forum post in the user forums for DOTNETNUKE I clicked remove formating for my post and
next thing I knew I couldnt view ASPX pages. When I navigated to my website
I could see it just fine. I use a CSS style sheet there that defines all
text. I just thought this was an odd problem.
Ok I feel like an idiot upon reviewing your View> Size I noticed that the
size was set to smallest. And being that MS uses the most flexible of
appraoches when they do their html it was adjusting the size to with respect
to the setting there. I must have done a qucik key setting some how when I
was coding and waching TV being that I have alot of short cut keys. All is
well now
k. np. I know alot of sites, perhaps particuarly MS affiliated sites use
server side styling or hardcoded font sizing. I've noticed also that some help files are rendered in a very, very small font. The extreem of
coarse are web pages published from ms office and are chock-a-block full of
msoffice class styles.
I personally have given up on server side styling and instead just opt for
unstyled html. I think this is how web pages should be designed as the user
is King. Even Firefox now offers users the choice of using their own
stylesheet for rendering (or no styling at all). The advantages of client
side styling are numerous. There is no need for cross-browser compatibility
testing, pages load faster, and there are fewer development overheads.

I hope you like the new mouse shortcuts in IE (Ctrl+mouse wheel and
Shift+mouse wheel)
I do, I am a big fan of short cuts in the sense that I can use both hands to
do work versus favoring one or another to do most of the taskings. The one I
am curious about is Vista and the IE 7 release. I have the budget to really
spend $1k to just play with toys 3 months before everyone else so I will have
to wait until MS releases it to the general public. The I guess I got in the
habit of making my CSS sheets defined into an template style of doing things,
but now that you mention it unless I need it, it would be better if I just
drop it. I am guessing it can only help for things such as mobile browsing
now that its really taking off.
