ASP.NET speed


Cheryl Yaeger

Hi. I have been working on an ASP.NET site, using ASP.NET 1.1. I do not want
to upgrade to ASP.NET 2.0 yet, because my host will charge me for the move
to their server that has ASP.NET 2.0.

Most of the pages on the site have instances of Web controls, like calendars
showing events and Forms to add announcements to the Web site. I understand
that the more processing there is on the page (including these Web
controls), the longer it will take to load the page. What's strange is that
the first page is slower than the rest. The only additional processing is
that if someone is signed in, they are redirected to a different page.
Still, sometimes it takes long time to load either page (the login page, or
the home page for people already logged in).

The web site is at, you can use the username:
Adrienne and password: Frank. Could anyone sign in and tell me how long it
takes them? Or if you have had a similar problem, can you tell me about it?
I'm using WebHost4Life as a host. Thx!


Lucas Tam

What's strange is that
the first page is slower than the rest.

This is normal ... on first load ASP.NET has to initialize the application
which takes a while. You can think of opening Microsoft Office - it's
always slow the first time. But once you have it opened, you can access all
the functions normally.

Paul Wilson has an article on how to keep your ASP.NET application alive:

The above article should reduce start up times.


Hi Cheryl,

It was lightning fast for me.

I think there are a lot of factors here: the users' internet connection, the
processor on their computer, and your web host. It is very possible that
during certain times of the day, your web hosts's server gets busy, and
everything is slow as a result.

P.S.: this is Marina from Deitel from like 4 years ago - how's it going? :)

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