ASP.Net Session State Problem with IIS6

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We recently installed our web application on Windows 2003 and found that our ASPX pages are not coming up correctly.

We are using sessionstate=StateServer and cookieless=true for Web.config. Applications run perfectly in Windows2000 or XP but in Windows2003 under IIS6 we do not see any of our images and style sheets applied. This is because sessionid is added to the web path and IIS is not able to access it

How can we make this working in Windows2003 under IIS6? Any thoughts are welcome...


FYI: I posted this under iis6 but got no response so I am posting in other groups
Let say the page URL is{sessionid}/page.aspx

and on this page you have <img src="image/my.gif">

The browser will resolve the image name to{sessionid}/image/my.gif because you specified
relative path.

So the solution is to specify absolute path <img src="/image/my.gif">

I hope you got my drift.

PS: I am sure that it worked on Win2000 and XP only because when you moved
to 2003 someone has replace absolute path with relative path. It would not
work anywere if you did not specify absolute path with cookieless=true.


JK said:
We recently installed our web application on Windows 2003 and found that
our ASPX pages are not coming up correctly.
We are using sessionstate=StateServer and cookieless=true for Web.config.
Applications run perfectly in Windows2000 or XP but in Windows2003 under
IIS6 we do not see any of our images and style sheets applied. This is
because sessionid is added to the web path and IIS is not able to access it.
most likely on the old servers you mapped *.gif to so the the cookie
filter would handle the munging. check to see if the application mapping are
the same on the old and new servers

-- bruce (

JK said:
We recently installed our web application on Windows 2003 and found that
our ASPX pages are not coming up correctly.
We are using sessionstate=StateServer and cookieless=true for Web.config.
Applications run perfectly in Windows2000 or XP but in Windows2003 under
IIS6 we do not see any of our images and style sheets applied. This is
because sessionid is added to the web path and IIS is not able to access it.