Hello biju,
have u read "readme" from your webcontrol package about how to install it?
where this control was intalled?
Michael Nemtsev [.NET/C# MVP] :: blog:
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we
miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it" (c) Michelangelo
b> Hellow,
b> Thanks for ur reponse
b> I have downloaded this Web controls. But in my tool window this
b> treenode is
b> disabled and it is not active so that I can't drag it into web page.
b> I can
b> add this control by cliking Add/Remove Tab in the Tool window but it
b> comes as
b> disabled form. Kindly provide solution
b> Thanks and regards
b> "Michael Nemtsev said:
Hello biju,
do you have this library into your references?
which asp.net version?
Michael Nemtsev [.NET/C# MVP] :: blog:
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high
and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it" (c)
b> When I am executing a Asp.Net web page containg Tree View web
b> control, I got an error message "File or assembly name
b> microsoft.web.UI.Web controls or one of its dependence, was not
b> found". Kindly provide solution for this problem