pages not displayed correctly



Hello, I am fairly new to so please be patient with me!
I am working on standing up a website to run alone on someones laptop. So
far, i have been working on the registration pages which are written in c#, the rest of the pages are in asp. The website works fine on our
webserver, but when i try to get the website to run alone on the laptop the pages do not display correctly. This problem needs to be fixed by the
end of today so if anyone can help, please reply.

ps I am just an intern at our company, my supervisor wrote the rest of the
website, and he is conviently gone this week! I have been able to get the
website up and going, all the asp pages display fine, its just the
pages that are incorrect. I am running .net framework 1.1 and iis 5.1. I am
currently in the process of reinstalling both of them, upgrading to .net
framework 2.0.

Grant Merwitz

I've often had the problem, where i installed the .NET framework and then

They need to be installed in the opposite order, or the aspx extension is
not registered with IIS
Install IIS
Then .NET framework.

Running the aspnet_regiis -i might overcome this problem as well

oh, and a way to check if this is the problem
Open IIS
Go to you default website and right click and click properties
Click the 'Home Directory' tab
Click 'Configuration'
Check if the aspx extension is included in the extension list
If its not there, thats the problem

Hope that can help you


Thanks for your input, I have already uninstalled IIS so i can not check to
see if the aspx extension was listed or not, but i will make sure to install
them in the correct order. Also, is there any need for the .net framework SDK
v2.0? I installed the .net framework v2.0 but the SDK is taking forever to
download (very slow network). Just asking because if i dont have to wait for
it to download that would save me about and hour and a half.

Grant Merwitz

SDK is just the developer reference, it is not needed to run .net
All you need is the .NET framework redistributable


All right, finally got everything reinstalled and it works, the extensions
are listed. At first i had a problem with parsing the pages but i figured out
that it was a problem with permissions, but now it is all working fine,
thanks alot for your help!

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