ASP.NET modular architecture


Nick Goloborodko


I'm in the process of conceptualizing a new ASP.NET application. I'm a
relative newbie in ASP.NET / .NET in general, so any comments will be
greatly appreciated.

Basically i need to make my application as modular as possible, something
along the lines of Mambo (PHP CMS System) Drupal (another PHP CMS) or
something similar to these. What I'm thinking is to provide the following
structure: core of the application includes essential services such as
Authentication, Access control, Database Connectivity and other services in
the same category. Other functionality, such as say for example Discussion
boards, Survey will be provided in modular format.

I need this kind of architecture in order to break up what i anticipate will
be a large project, and enable modules to be developed by 3rd parties
(basically I'm looking for something loosely coupled - to prevent
maintenance night mare further down the track)

Google failed to return any results relating to this topic... so if somebody
can please point me to the some resources on how the following architecture
can be technically accomplished in .NET, it will be really appreciated.

Scott Allen

Go try the free Apress book "Inside SharpDevelop":

Good stuff.



I'm in the process of conceptualizing a new ASP.NET application. I'm a
relative newbie in ASP.NET / .NET in general, so any comments will be
greatly appreciated.

Basically i need to make my application as modular as possible, something
along the lines of Mambo (PHP CMS System) Drupal (another PHP CMS) or
something similar to these. What I'm thinking is to provide the following
structure: core of the application includes essential services such as
Authentication, Access control, Database Connectivity and other services in
the same category. Other functionality, such as say for example Discussion
boards, Survey will be provided in modular format.

I need this kind of architecture in order to break up what i anticipate will
be a large project, and enable modules to be developed by 3rd parties
(basically I'm looking for something loosely coupled - to prevent
maintenance night mare further down the track)

Google failed to return any results relating to this topic... so if somebody
can please point me to the some resources on how the following architecture
can be technically accomplished in .NET, it will be really appreciated.

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Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Nick,

Welcome to ASPNET newsgroup. As for the ASP.NET web application
artchitecture design, I'm not sure whether there are any buildin patterns
or practices on the "Modular based" pattern you mentioned. But there is a
3rd party framework "DotnetNuke" which provide a Modular based web portal
application framework. In DotNetNuke, most parts are designed as a Module.
The Windows SharePoint service(WSS) which use WebParts as different
plugable modules is also something like this.

Also, the "Modular based" design architecture is a horizential
architecture. The Microsoft Patterns & Practices provide many design
patterns and rules on verticle layers. Such as the in WEB LAYER, Business
Layer, Data Access Layer....

You can find many such resources in the MSDN's .net Architecture center

If you have any other ideas, please feel free to post here. Thanks,

Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Nick Goloborodko

Hi Steven,

Thank you very much for your response - it has pointed me in the right
direction. I was aware of the DotNetNuke, but since I'm a relative newbie
to the whole .NET scene, it was a bit overwhelming to get a grasp of, and i
was wondering if there were any white papers describing the architectural
approach that they have taken.

Still, i will look into it a bit further. Once again thank you for your

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

You're welcome Nick,

Also, it would be nice that you share some further experience on the
modular web site designing when you've digged more further i DotnetNuke or
any other framework :)

Thanks & Regards,

Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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