John Grandy
Does anyone have experience with turning off ASP.NET event validation ?
What is the complete set of consequences ?
I'm aware that event validation ensures that parameter values submitted to
event handlers for read-only ASP.NET web controls ( such as ListBox ) must
match the list of possible values available at the time the control is
rendered on the server; non-matching values will trigger a runtime
exception. Turning off event validation removes this restriction.
What are the other consequences of turning off event validation ?
<pages theme="theme" enableEventValidation="false">
What is the complete set of consequences ?
I'm aware that event validation ensures that parameter values submitted to
event handlers for read-only ASP.NET web controls ( such as ListBox ) must
match the list of possible values available at the time the control is
rendered on the server; non-matching values will trigger a runtime
exception. Turning off event validation removes this restriction.
What are the other consequences of turning off event validation ?
<pages theme="theme" enableEventValidation="false">