To specify the Web server for an already-created Web site which is served
with the ASP.NET Development Server, open your project/application with
VS 2005 and, in the Solution Explorer, right-click the name of the Web site
for which you want to specify an IIS Web server, and then click Property Pages.
In the Property Pages dialog box, click the Start Options tab.
Under Server, click Use custom server.
In the Base URL box, type the URL that VS 2005 should start when running the current Web site.
You can use localhost, your machine name, or an assigned domain name for your IP.
From that point on, the VS.NET IDE will not use the internal web server,
but will use IIS to open your pages.
You must, previously, create a virtual directory for your application in the IIS Manager.
Juan T. Llibre, MVP faq :
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