ASP.Net Connection To MYSQL



Hello, I am writing an ASP.Net (Visual Basic) application with a MYSQL backend.
I connect fine with the DataProvider and also ODBC. I Retrieve records with
no problem. I INSERT Records with no problem. The problem is that is is SLOW.
For example, to retrieve 4 records from the database table, it takes several
seconds. In Addition, I am developing on a local machine. There are no trips
to a remote server at this point. I see posts out there that some folks have
a slowness issue and others say everything is great and fast. Can anyone
assist with this?
Would prefer to us SQLServer as the backend, but have to conform to the
installation at present.

Thanks, Frank

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

You need to connect using the latest native mysql provider. mysql is
extremely fast so it is possible that your problem lies elsewhere. Have you
tried tracing the query statements in the db layer?

Warm regards,
Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

[Shameless Author plug]
Professional VSTO.NET - Wrox/Wiley
The O.W.C. Black Book with .NET, Amazon


Alvin, thanks for the response. I do have the latest provider loaded. What I
did find after reading some other threads is that if I disconnect my network
cable the queries fly. It seems to have something to do with DNS which is
posted a lot with relation to the speed issue. In short, since all tools and
databases are local to this machine, if not connected to the network,
everything works great.

Any additional feedback is appreciated. Thanks again, Frank

Alvin Bruney said:
You need to connect using the latest native mysql provider. mysql is
extremely fast so it is possible that your problem lies elsewhere. Have you
tried tracing the query statements in the db layer?

Warm regards,
Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

[Shameless Author plug]
Professional VSTO.NET - Wrox/Wiley
The O.W.C. Black Book with .NET, Amazon

Frank said:
Hello, I am writing an ASP.Net (Visual Basic) application with a MYSQL
I connect fine with the DataProvider and also ODBC. I Retrieve records
no problem. I INSERT Records with no problem. The problem is that is is
For example, to retrieve 4 records from the database table, it takes
seconds. In Addition, I am developing on a local machine. There are no
to a remote server at this point. I see posts out there that some folks
a slowness issue and others say everything is great and fast. Can anyone
assist with this?
Would prefer to us SQLServer as the backend, but have to conform to the
installation at present.

Thanks, Frank

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