ASP.NET 2.0 questions...



Just a few days ago i realized that 2.0 was available (non-beta). I've
actually not used .net in months and am now needing to get back into
it. How long has 2.0 been out? I know it's been in beta for a
loooooong time!

Also, i haven't read any raving reviews about ASP.NET... personally,
from what i've seen, i'm blown away! Things like sorting a datagrid
(gridview) is just a matter of setting a property to true! No code at
all. My only frustration thus far is having to re-learn how to do
things a different way...



It officially came out last Tuesday I believe. As for blowing you away,
yup, me too! I've read there are a lot of issues/bugs people are having
though. But compared to vs2k3, the IDE is MUCH improved. But like I say,
there are still some issues. Mind you, it's light years ahead of anything
java that I'm doing during the day! DOH! :>\

Rob Meade

Mind you, it's light years ahead of anything java that I'm doing during
the day! DOH! :>\

Its interesting that you say that, as a friend of mine who coded java a lot
and for a long time said when he looked at .net that they were basically
producing what Java had done for years....hehe...I have no knowledge of
either so stand happily on the fence...but its always funny to hear other
peoples opinions on stuff like be honest, as long as I can make
some funky stuff happen on the web and write a few apps that can
transform/transfer some data from server to server - I'm happy :blush:)



Its interesting that you say that, as a friend of mine who coded java a
lot and for a long time said when he looked at .net that they were
basically producing what Java had done for years....hehe...I have no
knowledge of
Well, ultimately, YES, you are right. They are doing basically the same
thing. However, the same could be said with Assembly too. I know, I know,
I'm taking this to the extreme, I know, bear with me. What makes the
difference for me, is the level of integration of the IDE with the language,
RDBMS, the OS, the web server and any other tools you need to use (config
editors, XML files, etc). It is technically possible to develop a website
with Assembly or ok, maybe more realistaclly C (cgi code?), but I would
never want to do that, just too much work. :<

With java, a typical stack is JBuilder/Eclipse going through JDBC on the web
server (Tomcat/WebLogic) to MySQL/Oracle on top of Windows/Linux. Just
setting that up is very non-trivial! :< It took me well over two weeks just
to get a simple hello world running on a Windows box and Red Hat linux
server. The integration was PUNISHING! :<

The flip side is Visual Studio talking to IIS to SQL Server to Windows.
This took me a night! Yup, that simple, one night! The tools just work. I
know, I know, it's not "open source", you're paying "Da Man" but it doesn't
matter to me. Just getting stuff done does!

From another perspective. If I was a president of a company and it took my
developers six months to develop an entire company's website as opposed to a
year, what solution would you go with? For me, I can do the C#/.NET option
for the six months. However, to peer over the fence, I know of a few people
here at my J2EE shop who could do it with J2EE, but I'm not one of them.

Just my thoughts. :> How's the view up on the fence? :>

Edwin Knoppert

From another perspective. If I was a president of a company and it took my
developers six months to develop an entire company's website as opposed to
a year, what solution would you go with?

Iow, why place yourself in the shoes of the director, you wouldn't care much
So i find that not a great example for comparison.
Luckily you gained time.. that's all, otherwise you might not have mentioned
it at all.



Boy, i'm such a nerd! I feel like it's Xmas morning... i'm playing
around w/ new toys like asp:menu, asp:sitemappath, etc. Very cool
stuff. It's almost as simple as just writing html tags, except the end
result is something very sophisticated! I just can't get the
web.sitemap to do what i want, which is halting my progress w/ those
new toys. I hope it's not one of the "bugs" that you're talking about.



web.sitemap to do what i want, which is halting my progress w/ those
new toys. I hope it's not one of the "bugs" that you're talking about.
What is happening? I tried it out for the first time late last week and I
was lucky, I got it working first try.

The one hiccup I found was nesting the nodes to get sub nodes at runtime.

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