asp form something like - Not Is Null,

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wayne-I-M
  • Start date Start date



Again may not be possible but is there something on an asp page like the
access formula

Sum ((Nz( IIf (Not [SomeFieldName] Is Null, 1) ) ,0)*123)

This will give a count of the number of time a form field has something in
it (ie. Not Is Null) and time this by 123

FieldName = wayne
FieldName = John
FieldName =
FieldName =
FieldName = Mary

Thats 3 fields have something in then times 123

I do have this but can't this work on my form

but I need it to be MUCG simpler than this - just add up the fields with
something in and times 123

Many thanks
You do that w/ your recordset open sql statement
Conn1_Name = Application("YourGlobalASAName_ConnectionString")
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open Conn1_Name
strSQL = "SELECT Count(SomeFieldName) AS SomeFieldNameCount FROM TableName WHERE LEN(SomeFieldName)>0"
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open strSQL, Conn1_Name
IF NOT objRS.EOF THEN SomeFieldNameCount=objRS("SomeFieldNameCount")*123
Set objRS = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
Response.Write SomeFieldNameCount

In ASP/ADO you need to be careful ckecking for empty strings vs Null strings, since they are not the same
- unless you explicitly set all empty fields in your DB as NULL they will be Empty and not be an IsNull

NZ is not supported by ASP but you can create a NZ like function

| Hi
| Again may not be possible but is there something on an asp page like the
| access formula
| Sum ((Nz( IIf (Not [SomeFieldName] Is Null, 1) ) ,0)*123)
| This will give a count of the number of time a form field has something in
| it (ie. Not Is Null) and time this by 123
| So
| FieldName = wayne
| FieldName = John
| FieldName =
| FieldName =
| FieldName = Mary
| =369
| Thats 3 fields have something in then times 123
| I do have this but can't this work on my form
| but I need it to be MUCG simpler than this - just add up the fields with
| something in and times 123
| Many thanks
| --
| Wayne
| Manchester, England.
It is also possible to replace these 2 lines:
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open strSQL, Conn1_Name
SET objRS = Conn.Execute(strSQL)