My PC got shut down by a power loss, and the next time I started it, after
disk check ran, a strange blue screen flashed suddenly with some text at the
top which I didn't have time to read, and rebooted ... after bootup, a blue
screen appeared and a window saying "log on to windows xp" which asked me for
my username & password. I didn't have either of these, and anything I try to
enter, including leaving them blank, the computer won't let me log on. Not
even in safe mode. This log on business started up on its own and i can't
log on even though i never used a username or password. i even went into
setup, but there seems to be nothing there which can help me.
disk check ran, a strange blue screen flashed suddenly with some text at the
top which I didn't have time to read, and rebooted ... after bootup, a blue
screen appeared and a window saying "log on to windows xp" which asked me for
my username & password. I didn't have either of these, and anything I try to
enter, including leaving them blank, the computer won't let me log on. Not
even in safe mode. This log on business started up on its own and i can't
log on even though i never used a username or password. i even went into
setup, but there seems to be nothing there which can help me.