1) Start, Run and enter CONTROL USERPASSWORDS2
2) Highlight the user account you want automatically logged on
3) Uncheck Users must enter a username.............
4) Click Apply
5) In the next dialog enter the password for the account you chose in Step 2, if any.
6) Ok your way out.
For shutdown, open a Command Prompt window and enter SHUTDOWN /?
Then create a shortcut on the Desktop or in your Quick Launch bar with the appropriate command line options.
Doug Knox, MS-MVP Windows Media Center\Windows Powered Smart Display\Security
Win 95/98/Me/XP Tweaks and Fixes
Per user Group Policy Restrictions for XP Home and XP Pro
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When I'm logging in to windXP, it is asking me to 'type my password' . The same when
I 'm shutting down, it ask me to click on OK. How do I avoid this happening