I'm looking for an instruction to be used into a macro which gives the
possibility to interrupt the macro until you select a group of cells
with the mouse. Then the macro has to perform some operations on the
selected cells.
I tried with InputBox but it does not permit to select a range of
cells with the mouse, you can only write it with the keyboard, for
example: "a1:a10".
Could you suggest me something about this problem? I would like some
windows like the ones you use when you select data for a graphic.
Thank you.
possibility to interrupt the macro until you select a group of cells
with the mouse. Then the macro has to perform some operations on the
selected cells.
I tried with InputBox but it does not permit to select a range of
cells with the mouse, you can only write it with the keyboard, for
example: "a1:a10".
Could you suggest me something about this problem? I would like some
windows like the ones you use when you select data for a graphic.
Thank you.