Ashampoo has been hacked


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I daresay some of you will also have received an e-mail from Ashampoo today, but for anyone who has missed it, but uses their software, here is what they wrote:

Dear Ashampoo customer,

We are writing to you concerning an important issue. We regret to tell you that we also detected an unauthorized access to one of our server systems. We assume that the attackers were able to purloin data of customers. Sensitive data such as billing information etc. is not affected by this, because Ashampoo does not store this data.

We summarized all pieces of information concerning this incident for you and would like you to read the following website:

Yours sincerely,

The Ashampoo-Team

It doesn't seem as if anyone's payment details were compromised. I expect we shall see a few bogus mails so be aware folks. :thumb:
I were just about to come and post this now, pipped too the post as usual with you Taffycat. :D
Ashampoo already spam me near to death.

Looks like that message could just be an excuse for them to have sold their customer database to lots of other companies.

Get ready for the spam onslaught...

May I suggest Mailwasher? Free for one e-mail account, costs money if you want Mailwasher to handle more than one account.

Bounce that crap right back at 'em :)
since posting this morning I have received 15emails from Rainer Lesani (Ashampoo) trying to flog the same thing.The e-mails from Rainer all go straight to Junk Mail. Ashampoo ones goto inbox
*Note to self: Dont give your email addy to Ashampoo*
*Note to self: Dont give your email addy to Ashampoo*

You are absolutely right.

I wouldn't mind but their 'free' burning software isn't anything to write home about, Nero knocks it into a cocked hat. Mind you, Nero costs loot.

Best option is probably one of the many open source burning programs found in most Linux repositories though I have yet to find one that burns a DVD suitable for viewing in any DVD player from multiple format video files and able to give them all a menu.

Ashampoo can't do that either.
During the last couple of days I've had lots of fresh Spam. I'm using full version of Mailwasher on Win 7 and XP so expect eventually I will curtail the buggers.

Previously to Ashampoo telling porkies about being hacked I'd tamed my Spam to about one or two a day.

Of course, I don't know for sure if Ashampoo are acting underhanded or not but it seems extremely unlikely to me they'd be hacked, hackers usually go for more fruitful databases than a blinkin' burning suite vendor.

I've made a decision and I think Ashampoo are now in my badbooks.

And by way of mentioning their online video grabbing software never worked for me, both within Win XP & Win 7. There's an open source (read: free) application named Download Helper which acts as a plug-in in Firefox that does work extremely well.

Ashampoo, you've mugged yourself :)