I followed your advise and thought I was finally getting somewhere but I am
getting more and more frustrated. It's unbelievable to me how difficult it
is to complete this process.
I converted the ASF files to AVI imported them into MM2 and then re-did all
my 18 minutes of 35 clips into timeline. Then I saved the movie to my
computer and attempted to import it into MyDVD. On preview, I got audio but
no video. Now here is what it frustrating, If I only save 5 of the 35 clips
or about 5 minutes of the movie, everything renders in MyDVD preview. I can
use the first 5 clips of the movie, 5 in the middle or the last 5 and it
works everytime. I noticed in a recent posting that changing the "save
setting" in MM2 to DV-AVI(NTSC) might help. Did that and the "save to
computer" process goes to 99% and then I get an error message that MM2 has
experienced a problem. My next attempt is to divide the movie in half - but
that should not be neccessary. At this point I'm not in agreement with the
praises of MM2. Is there any RELIABLE software out there that is user
friendly to this process?
Again, I really appreciate all your time and advice - unfortunately, your my
main venting outlet - my wife doesn't want to hear about it !!
The Iceman
Wojo said:
The exact same thing tends to happen when working with MPEG files.
MPEG2 files don't work at all but MPEG files fail at different times,
sometimes when importing sometimes when previewing and yes sometimes not
until you render the movie. Sometimes you get audio but no picture and
sometimes you can't render at all.
The same holds true of ASF files and since ASF files tend to be unstable to
begin with (Sometimes you can advance them and sometimes you can't etc...)
then you are far better off converting them anyway.
So yes I am recommending that you convert them to AVI and then import the
AVI files into WMM.