

Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Has anyone heard of this before? It found its way onto my pc last thursday. The file path was C/asdf. It wasn't installed or in the start up list or anything.

Did a google on it didn't come up with much just a bit on another forum about it, but didn't think it really applied to me.

I deleted it and hasn't caused a problem or anything, ran my in house virus scan as well as online scans (Trend Micro, Panda, Symantic) and all the spyware and adware scanners (SB S+D, Adaware, Spysweeper Subscription version, Spywaredoctor) All of them came up blank. so i am all good in that respect, just want to know more about it now!

If anyone knows a bit more about it then please share it with me!

Cheers :thumb:
Well, i still cant find a lot more about this thing but i know its a trojan(Of some kind) , but i haven't got it, so thats ok!
All i can find is that it somehow infected another forum called Ezboards, but they say they got rid of it. But that was the 27th of July.

Why didn't my virus scan find it if its an older one? :confused: I am all up to date with everything so anyone got any ideas? Well i am gonna scan again tonight, to be sure!

I think maybe when my sub with McAfee runs out i'll go elsewhere!! :rolleyes:
found it!

Hi Vanilla!
i have found it on my computer! my firewall remind me by an outgoing query!
same history, my virus scan didn't find it (avast)..!

i will send it to avast company to have more information!
